Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Encouraged :)

Since I wrote a post about being discouraged, I thought I'd write one about being encouraged.  That is definitely what I've been ever since I wrote my last post.  I have had so many people who have reached out to help by praying for us, suggesting different fundraisers, and giving me encouraging words.  A beautiful friend of mine lifted my spirits by suggesting I read Hebrews 11.  Hebrews 11:1 says ""Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."  The rest of the chapter speaks of so many followers of Christ who had faith in things they had yet to see.  Not necessarily faith that they would get what they asked for, but faith that the God who created them and loved them would lead them where they were supposed to go and bring them through it.  That no matter what happened here on this earth, they had faith in their eternal home.  

It is so easy to get lost in the craziness of life.  The ups and downs, and occasionally, the even middle ground.  What we seem to forget so easily is that God is walking each step of each day with us.  He is there when everything seems to be falling apart.  He is there when we feel the happiest.  He is there when nothing seems to be happening at all.  He is there.  

I am so encouraged by these truths.  My God is faithful.  He loves me.  He loves my family.  He loves Asher.  He even loves my kids (including Asher!) more than I do.  It's hard and wonderful to know that.  It's hard because I love them so much, it doesn't feel like it's possible someone could love them more.  It's wonderful because I love them so much, but He loves them MORE!  

I have been working SO hard to do everything I can to bring my son home, but the fact is, I can't do anything apart from God's will.  If He wants Asher here, He will provide.  Yes, I need to put forth the effort, but it is all His doing and for His glory.

There will be many more ups and downs in this process, I know, but how awesome is it to be reminded that God is in control and He is faithful?!  How awesome is it to be surrounded by family and friends who are quick to come around me to encourage me and remind me of that?!  Love you all!


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